
Official Links

Kid Courageous - The official KC website. It's completely done in Flash, which is kind of blah, but it's pretty decent in terms of info and stuff, even if it doesn't have anywhere *near* enough photos (gimme more Huw pics, dammit!). And of course, you'll always get the latest news and tour dates there first ^____^
Kid Courageous Forums - The official KC forums. They're hosted on and you can use your login there for any of the other forums they host, they run the official forums for a heap of cool punk-type bands. You might find me hanging around under the username Jedi_Amara, you might not. I tend to lurk, then make about 50 posts in a day, then lurk again.
RockSugar Music - The label KC is signed to.

Other Links

These are links to other Kid Courageous and punk-related sites. Want your link here? Email me at ^_^

Kid Courageous Online - One of the first fansites to go up. Its layout isn't really user-friendly and it's hosted on Freewebs, but it does have decent content, so it's worth a look.
Route 55 - My (JA's) Good Charlotte fansite. Not much in the way of content, I guess, but call it a "sibling site" =D.